Wednesday, April 16, 2008

uk small business directory

A really excellent method to either promote your business or search for businesses for the services you require is to use a small business directory and that's just what the UK small business directory is all about.

Run by "TJ" this excellent resource covers not only business listings but other vital pages helping you pinpoint the best resources in the UK to help you and your business. Items such as:

UKSBD is a great resource and worth exploring in depth. There are many additional pages TJ has developed to help you. Additionally, you can list all your business details completely free of charge - just follow the "register a business" link.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

getting to grips with your small business

everyone has the entrepreneur inside them - everyone thinks their boss is an idiot and can do better themselves - don't you ?

So why not start your own business ? There are loads of help and advice out there - you can start using the internet, afterall there are loads of sites such as small business pro where you can begin your research and ask questions.

In the UK there are government institutions link businesslink that can help you in your local large town or city.

So get advice first. Develop a business plan. Talk to your friends and family. And go for it :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

writing a business plan secrets

we know some of the reasons you need to write a business plan - and if you want finance then a business plan is mandatory - no one will even discuss your ideas if you haven't put them down on paper in a formal business plan. Here's another great article on why plans are important..

Small company secrets: Writing a business plan
Goleta Valley Voice,?CA?- 14 Jul 2006
By Paul Burri. It’s now time to write a business plan. Or is it? ... The truth is this: probably no bank will grant you a loan without a business plan. ...

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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a business plan for many occassions

You know most people think of a business plan as just for a new startup venture. But many people have business plans for other reasons. I used to manage business planning for a 200 division international organisation. Each division, whether sales generating or not, had a plan.

And in the article below, you'll see another use of the business plan..

City police business plan process under way
Lindsay This Week, Canada - 4 hours ago
Peterborough-Lakefield police cruisers may be equipped with in-cruiser video cameras if they're deemed a priority in the force's new business plan. ...

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Your business plan is vital for your success

If you often wondered if you should *really* undertake a business plan for your new business - or even your existing business, have a look at this great article from South Africa. It says that your business plan it vital to your success - makes sense really. Like driving to a new destination - you don't just jump in your car and head off hoping you'll get there - you get out a map or check it out on the internet - your business is similar (and much more important). Enjoy.

Business plan vital to project‘s success
The Herald Eastern Cape, South Africa - 9 Jul 2006
THE business plan is one of the most important documents for an entrepreneur since it will have a major impact on the future success of the business. ...

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Monday, July 10, 2006

what is the value of a business plan ?

Here's an interesting article on the time spent on planning a business versus the reward. And what those rewards can be if you develop a robust plan and stick to it !

The value of a business plan
Scripps News, DC - 5 Jul 2006
Many business books advise that I write a strategic plan for my business. ... If you really want to succeed in business, a strategic plan is essential. ...

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